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Home » Biden’s Support Among Black Voters in Virginia Drops 20 Points, Survey Reveals

Biden’s Support Among Black Voters in Virginia Drops 20 Points, Survey Reveals

Last Updated on 17/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

A recent survey conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) has revealed a significant decline in support for President Joe Biden among Black voters in Virginia. The poll, which was conducted between June 24 and July 3, 2024, shows that Biden’s support among Black Virginians has dropped by 20 points since the winter poll, from 67% to 46%.

This shift in support is part of a broader trend that indicates a competitive presidential race in Virginia. The survey suggests that neither major-party candidate, Biden or former President Donald Trump, has surpassed the 40% mark, leaving room for third-party and independent candidates to gain traction.

The poll highlights several key findings:

  1. Presidential Race: Biden trails Trump by 3 percentage points, with 39% of respondents supporting Trump and 36% supporting Biden. This is a notable shift from the winter poll, where Biden led Trump by 3 percentage points.
  2. Black Voter Support: The 20-point drop in support among Black voters is a significant concern for Biden’s re-election bid. This decline could impact downballot races, particularly in competitive congressional districts.
  3. Approval Ratings: Biden’s approval ratings have remained relatively stable, with 36% of Virginians approving of his job performance. However, there is a noticeable partisan divide, with 69% of Democrats approving and 8% of Republicans approving.
  4. Independent Voters: Independent voters have shown a significant decline in approval for Biden, which could pose a challenge for his re-election campaign. This group is increasingly important in Virginia, where the presidential race is expected to be closely contested.
  5. Other Candidates: The survey also indicates that third-party candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are gaining traction, with 9% of Virginians expressing support for him. This could further complicate the electoral landscape in Virginia.

Overall, the survey suggests that Virginia is becoming a battleground state, with both major-party candidates facing challenges in securing support. The decline in support among Black voters is a particular concern for Biden, as it could impact his ability to win the state and potentially affect downballot races.