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Home » How Donald Trump facilitated the 1976 New York Jagannath Rath Yatra

How Donald Trump facilitated the 1976 New York Jagannath Rath Yatra

Last Updated on 15/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

In 1976, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) was planning to organize the first-ever Jagannath Rath Yatra procession in New York City. However, the devotees faced numerous challenges in making this event a reality.

Securing a parade permit for the event on Fifth Avenue was considered a “miracle”, but finding a suitable location to construct the large wooden chariots used in the Rath Yatra proved to be an even greater obstacle. The devotees approached several property owners, but all of them declined due to insurance concerns.

It was at this critical juncture that Donald Trump, then a 30-year-old rising real estate mogul, emerged as an unexpected ally. The devotees learned that Trump had recently acquired an old Pennsylvania railway yard, which they believed would be an ideal location for building the chariots.

Undeterred, the ISKCON devotees approached Trump’s office with a basket of Maha Prasadam (sacred food offerings) and a detailed proposal. Despite initial skepticism from Trump’s secretary, the devotees were surprised when Trump not only accepted the offering but also immediately granted them permission to use the railway yard for the Rath Yatra preparations.

This gesture from Trump proved to be a crucial turning point, as it allowed the devotees to proceed with the construction of the Rath Yatra chariots, a critical step for the successful execution of the festival.

In addition to providing the railway yard, Trump’s support also helped the devotees overcome another significant hurdle – securing the parade permit. Despite an initial agreement from the police department, the permit was later denied due to a longstanding edict against new parades on Fifth Avenue.

However, in a surprising turn of events, the Manhattan police chief, after reviewing the application, signed the permit, despite not fully understanding his own decision. This unexpected approval is often seen by the devotees as a divine blessing from Lord Jagannath.

The successful organization of the first-ever Jagannath Rath Yatra in New York City in 1976 is widely attributed to the unexpected support provided by Donald Trump, then a young real estate magnate. This act of generosity and assistance is now being cited as the reason behind Lord Jagannath’s divine intervention in saving Trump’s life during the recent assassination attempt.