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US Intelligence Warns: Russia Favors Trump for 2024 Election

US Intelligence Warns: Russia Favors Trump for 2024 Election

Last Updated on 11/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

According to US intelligence officials, Russia continues to favor former President Donald Trump as its preferred candidate for the 2024 US presidential election. The officials, briefing the press on election security, stated that Russia’s preference for Trump has not changed since the previous elections.

The US intelligence officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said “We have not observed a shift in Russia’s preferences for the presidential race from past elections, given the role the US is playing with regard to Ukraine and broader policy toward Russia.” This indicates that Russia’s support for Trump is likely due to his perceived stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and US-Russia relations.

The Trump campaign has pushed back against these claims, arguing that Russia was deterred when Trump was president and that Biden’s “ineffective weakness” has emboldened Russia’s aggression. However, US intelligence officials maintain that Russia is actively engaged in a “whole of government approach” to influence the 2024 election, using tactics like social media manipulation and propaganda to boost Trump and undermine Biden.

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Russia’s efforts are reportedly focused on targeting voters in key swing states, aiming to sow division and erode confidence in the electoral process. The use of AI-powered social media bots to rapidly produce and disseminate misleading content has also emerged as a concerning new tactic.

While China is currently observed to be taking a more cautious approach, the intelligence community warns that foreign adversaries are actively seeking to exploit various issues to exacerbate divisions within the US and undermine the government. Maintaining public awareness and vigilance against these threats to democratic processes will be crucial in the lead-up to the 2024 election.