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Home » Animal-like brutality, wounds on every part of the body and an unknown killer… this is how the case of 20-year-old Yashashree’s murder got complicated

Animal-like brutality, wounds on every part of the body and an unknown killer… this is how the case of 20-year-old Yashashree’s murder got complicated

Last Updated on 30/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

Yashashree Shinde Murder Mystery: The body of a 20-year-old girl was found in Mumbai, which reminded us of the Nirbhaya incident of 2012. According to the police and the doctors who conducted the post-mortem of the body, there was hardly any part of the girl’s body where there were no marks of wounds. Some marks were even of animal brutality. The girl whose body it was, was sexually abused by a boy 6 years ago. When the truth came out, the accused went to jail. Now the police suspect that after coming out of jail, he has brutally murdered the girl.

The girl went missing on July 25
Yashashree Shinde, a 20-year-old girl from Uran taluka of Navi Mumbai, suddenly disappeared from her home. On Thursday morning, 25 July, she left home saying that she was going to meet a friend. But she did not return home even after evening. On top of that, her mobile phone was also switched off. In such a situation, the worried family first tried a lot to find Yashashree on their own, inquired about Yashashree from her friends as well as relatives. But when nothing was found about her, they lodged a missing report of their daughter in the nearest police station on the intervening night of Thursday and Friday.

Police found an unclaimed body
After completing her studies in commerce, Yashashree was working as a data entry operator in a company. According to her family, her circle was very limited. In such a situation, even the police were surprised about her disappearance. But before the police could gather any concrete information about her, on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday, the police got the news of an unclaimed body lying near a petrol pump in Kotanaka area. This body was of a girl. And coincidentally, the age of the girl who died was also around 20-22 years. In such a situation, Uran police informed Yashashree’s family, so that by looking at the body, they could tell whether the body was of their daughter or someone else?

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Identification by tattoo on waist
By now the police had taken the body in their custody. Her condition was very bad, there were many knife wounds on her body. Even her face and private parts were badly crushed. Many parts of the body had become the prey of stray dogs. But despite all this, the family members identified her with the help of the clothes present on the body and a tattoo on her waist. This body was of none other than Yashashree, the daughter of Shinde family, whose missing report was lodged by the family.

Police questioned the family
But now the biggest question was who made Yashashree suffer this fate? What enmity did this girl or her family have with anyone? Now the police started questioning the family. Actually the police wanted to know if the girl or her family had any old enemies?

The taxi driver used to harass the girl
In connection with this investigation, the police came to know about an old incident that happened with Yashashree. The family members told that in the year 2018, a taxi driver named Dawood used to harass Yashashree a lot. And during that time, he also exploited Yashashree, after which they also filed a report against Dawood under the sections of the POCSO Act and Dawood was caught and sent to jail. He was later released from jail. In such a situation, they suspect that Dawood may be behind this incident as well. In such a situation, now the police investigation is also centered around the same taxi driver Dawood.

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Dawood wanted to take revenge from the girl!
The family members say that after coming out of jail, Dawood was after Yashashree again and this time he wanted to take revenge for his imprisonment. He conspired and lured their daughter into talking and called her to meet him and killed her when he got the chance. The brutal manner in which Dawood killed Yashashree makes it clear how much hatred he had for Yashashree and her family.

Police got clue from CDR
Although the police has not officially said that Dawood is involved in this case, but the police have found such indications in the investigation of the call detail record (CDR) of the girl killed in the incident, which point towards Dawood. Actually, Dawood is originally from Karnataka. If the police is to be believed, after being arrested and sent to jail in the case of exploiting Yashashree, when he was released from jail, he went to Karnataka. But in the meantime, he returned to Navi Mumbai. The police have also found evidence of this in their technical investigation.

Who is the girl’s anonymous friend?
On the other hand, the family members have made another shocking revelation. According to the police, before going to meet her anonymous friend, Yashashree had told another friend about it and also told that she was very scared of meeting him. Now the question arises that who was that anonymous friend, because Yashashree had talked about her fear, but did not tell who the person she was going to meet on Thursday was?

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Politics on the murder of a Dalit girl
On the other hand, after the barbaric manner in which Yashashree was killed, people are extremely angry against her murderer. Many leaders have demanded strict action against the accused, filing a case of harassment of a Dalit girl along with murder, and hanging him after running a case against him in a fast track court.

After all, who is the real murderer?
At present, the question is that if Dawood is the murderer of their daughter as claimed by the family, if his location has also been found around Navi Mumbai i.e. Uran, then why is he out of the reach of the police? Why are the police empty handed despite forming several teams to search for the accused? The question is also that if it is a case of murder, then what is the motive behind it? Did the accused, who was arrested earlier in the case of exploitation of the girl, really want to take revenge from her or her family? If this is so, then why could Yashashree not understand this? If she was afraid of going to meet her unknown friend, then why did she not tell this to her family?