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52-year-old man celebrating birthday party with 21-year-old girlfriend in spa murdered

A 52-year-old man was murdered inside a spa in Worli area of ​​Mumbai. Two unidentified persons carried out this incident by attacking him with a sharp weapon. An official said that the deceased was identified as Guru Waghmare. Several criminal cases were registered against him. The deceased claimed that he was a police informer and also an RTI activist.

According to the police, several cases including rape and extortion were registered against the deceased. He used to visit the spa at Worli Naka regularly and people working there knew him. When Waghmare went to the spa on Tuesday evening, his 21-year-old girlfriend and three male friends asked for a birthday party as he celebrated his birthday on July 17. The group of five then went to a hotel in Sion for the party.

The man stayed at the spa with his girlfriend

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According to news agency PTI, the police officer said, when they all returned to the spa at around 12:30 am, the three men left after some time, while Waghmare and his girlfriend stayed back. About two hours later, two different men came to the spa and attacked Waghmare with sharp weapons.

Police took 4 people into custody including the girlfriend

The Worli police was informed about the incident at around 2.30 am. The police reached the spot and found Waghmare soaked in blood and his throat was slit. A case of murder has been registered in this matter. Four people, including Waghmare’s girlfriend, have been detained for questioning. At least 10 cases were registered against the deceased, including a rape case registered at the Mulund police station.

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