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‘228 kg gold missing from Kedarnath’, serious allegation by Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath

Jyotirmath Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand

Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwarananda of Jyotirmath.


  • Proposal to build Kedarnath temple in Delhi.
  • Question regarding the construction of Kedarnath temple.
  • Allegation of gold scam in Kedarnath.

kedarnath gold scam news, Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwarananda of Jyotirmath has made serious allegations regarding the Kedarnath temple being built in Delhi. He has alleged that there has been a gold scam in Kedarnath and 228 kg of gold is missing from Kedarnath. Why is this issue not raised?

Question on construction of Kedarnath temple in Delhi

Along with this, he said on the Kedarnath temple being built in Delhi that after the scam there (Kedarnath), will Kedarnath be built in Delhi now? And then there will be another scam. 228 kg of gold is missing from Kedarnath. No investigation has been started. He asked who is responsible for this? Now they are saying that they will build Kedarnath in Delhi, this cannot happen.

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