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21 July 2024… the hottest day in the history of the world, 84 years old record broken

21 July 2024, i.e. last Sunday, was the hottest day in the history of the earth. Earlier, the earth had recorded such heat on 6 July last year. This information has been given by the Copernican Climate Change (C3S) Service. According to this, the global average temperature on Sunday was 17.09 degrees Celsius. Which broke all the records since 1940.

Due to this terrible heat, heatwaves and forest fires have spread in Europe and America. Earlier, such a temperature was recorded on 6 July 2024. Then the mercury was 17.08 degrees Celsius. It is said that there is a difference of only 0.01 degrees Celsius in the temperature. But the disasters that will come or are coming due to this will be terrible.

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Hottest day of the year 2024, Global warming

C3S director Carlo Buotempo said that this is the global mean temperature. The major reason for the heat at this time is the heatwaves going on in the world. South America is battling a terrible heat dome. After the heatwave in China, now there is the effect of rain, floods and flash floods. The average temperature has been recorded at 35 degrees Celsius. In North Africa, the mercury has reached 50 degrees Celsius.

Disasters due to increasing heat all over the world

Even Antarctica has recorded the highest temperature during its winter season. Ukraine’s Vernadsky Research Base on Antarctica’s Argentine Island recorded a July temperature of 8.7 degrees Celsius. This is extremely high.

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Hottest day of the year 2024, Global warming

Frederick Otto, a scientist at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Environment at Britain’s Imperial College in London, said that we cannot celebrate such an occasion. We are messing with nature. The temperature is constantly rising.

A death sentence for people and ecosystems

Frederick said that this is nothing less than a death sentence for people and ecosystem. This is the result of climate change. Along with this, the effect of El Niño is also being seen this time. Both of them can be blamed. But humans are responsible.

Berkeley Earth scientist JK Hausfather said that the more carbon emissions happen, the higher the temperature will be. Emissions, greenhouse gases and El Niño together have increased the temperature of the world. Usually the world’s temperature fluctuates between 12 to 17 degrees Celsius. But now it is at its maximum.

Hottest day of the year 2024, Global warming

The mercury will rise even higher in late July or August

The average temperature of the earth is highest in late July and early August. But this data was recorded at the beginning of this month. That means the temperature of late July or August can break the record again.

Humans release 400 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. That too by burning fossil fuels. Due to which the atmosphere is getting warmer. The icing on the cake is that this time there is also the effect of El Niño in the Pacific Ocean.

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